Charlotte Gowdy


Charlotte took her first yoga class 25 years ago and has practiced consistently ever since, both at home and at studios around the world.

In 2005, while living and attending a clown school in Paris, France, she discovered the bliss of hot yoga. Years later, working as a theatre director in Stratford, Ontario, she joined the Modo community there and felt right at home. She loves the calm, fit, inspired atmosphere, consistent at Modo studios everywhere.

Over the years Charlotte’s teaching experience has included teaching yoga/meditation to American college swim teams, teaching physical comedy, improv and acting at universities across North & South America, teaching English in Asia and teaching dance at Dance Umbrella, in Charlottetown.

Ten years ago, on a whim, Charlotte attended her first Kundalini yoga class and was hooked. Raising the Kundalini energy has changed life enormously and has given her the confidence, freedom, and courage to move beyond her perceived limitations, into a dream life of joy and adventure!

In 2020, she enrolled in a Kundalini Teacher Training program at an ashram/yoga school in the French Alps. She now makes that ashram in France her second home and returns multiple times yearly to train, teach, organize festivals and do seva. 

Born and raised on PEI, Charlotte is passionate about learning, teaching, spreading joy, inspiring courage and being of service to the community in any way she can.