Amy Wilford


Amy attended her first yoga class in 2008 in an attempt to regain strength and flexibility
after an injury. Class after class, she quickly discovered benefits which extended
beyond her physical recovery. More than anything, it was the new-found breath and
body relationship that became a primary tool for navigating day-to-day life that kept her
coming back.
Amy completed her first 500 hr Modo training in 2014, and has since completed
her Modo Flow certification, and Restorative Yoga certification (Octopus Garden). Amy
has a deep curiosity for this practice, and consistently participates in trainings,
workshops, and lectures to further her understanding of her own practice – which
directly translate into her teaching. In class, Amy teaches with a focus on nurturing

mindful breath and movement, leading students to self-inquiry and discovery – both in
class and off the mat.