Cora began her yoga journey in 2011, as part of a personal quest for self-actualization. She immediately fell in love with the practice and became student to a number of Modo Danforth teachers, including Stephanie Mills and Amanda Montgomery, who inspired her to delve deeper into the practice and further connect with yoga. Shortly after, Cora became an Energy Exchanger and involved herself immersed herself into the community. After carefully considering the calling to become a teacher, Cora took the leap and applied for Modo’s YTT in Nicaragua, 2017 – one of the most magical experiences of her life. She has since pursued training in Yin Yoga and Modo Flow. Always looking to expand her yoga knowledge, Cora is still very much a student on-and-off the mat and could not imagine her life without yoga.
Only when you have learned to let go of fear, will the universe unfold your true potential.