

What do you love about teaching? 

I love teaching yoga because it has helped me a lot in my life, and it is a wonderful way to connect with myself and other people. Growing up I was a soccer player, and was fortunate to play in many countries. Because of that part of my background, there is an athletic component to the way that I instruct. I have also experienced a lot of injuries. I know what it’s like to have chronic pain, physical dysfunction, and joint instability. Therefore, not only am I aiming to challenge students, but also guide a practice that is both safe and effective. My intention is help create a space where people can have an experience that is enriching and of benefit regardless of why they might be practicing yoga. Oh and I like breathing lol

What yoga trainings have you completed?

Modo Level 1 and Modo Flow training. I’ve also completed my RMT training.

What Modo Pillar do you connect with the most?

Be Green! Biking is basically my favourite thing in the world, and I am happiest and calmest when I am around trees and water. I am grateful to live where we do, so I try to live in accordance with my love for the natural world.

What do you do besides teaching yoga?

I am a proud uncle, RMT, and I enjoy hiking, snowboarding, mountain-biking, camping, traveling, gardening, live music, food, laughing, playing piano, meditation, and spiritual growth/exploration.

What’s your favourite after yoga treat?

Gluten Free Epicurean– everything there is so good!!