The Modo Journal

Leading With Pride (PART 3: Katarina Wittkamp)

        It’s been a real honor to be an observer and admirer of Katarina’s amazing transformation and growth as a yoga teacher and leader.  What I love about this interview is that having known Kat for so many years, I know that the advice that she is giving is advice that she […]

Leading With Pride (PART 2: Linda & Belinda)

        I met Belinda at the first-ever Modo Yoga teacher training abroad.  It was in Thailand.  It was amazing!  And, there were a few things that were not mentioned to us beforehand about the training location—some of which included: the beauty (inexplicable with words), and… no way to exit the large, wavy […]

Leading With Pride (PART 1: Jase Cannon)

      Jase Cannon – Teacher, Fouder, Thought Leader   I met Jase as “Jason” at a retreat that my sister Deena and I were leading at a Sivananda Yoga Ashram, where Jase was living at the time..  We hit it off because it was clear, even way back then in the early 2000s, […]

Why Is Everyone Talking About Community?

Does it seem like everywhere you turn these days you see the word community? Digital apps abound to “create community.” Health coaches ask about your community engagement to begin a wellness journey. Even big corps are starting to use the word internally. Community has been one of Modo’s Pillars since our inception 2004. So although we’re still learning, we do have our thoughts on the idea. If you’ve asked yourself in passing “Why is Everyone talking about Community” this Modo Journal entry is for you.

Is Yoga Meditation?

  As age old wisdom directs… well, it depends! Whether yoga and meditation are seen as two sides of the same coin or entirely distinct is a question that often arises on retreats, at teacher trainings or with a wonderful teacher over tea after class.  I don’t think there’s a right answer.   But I […]

Qu’est-ce qui est si génial à propos d’une pratique régulière ?

The way the hot rooms are heated at Modo Yoga plays a huge part in curating the environment of every class.  You probably know this from the way the room feels.  It’s different.  You may notice that your body and your muscles feel different.  There’s a reason for that feeling and that’s what we’ll explore.

What’s So Great About a Regular Practice?

  Sometimes life feels like a race without a finish line.  When this is the case, developing consistency in your practice can be a balm for your body-mind and spirit. I’ve always been Type A.  A consistent yoga practice eased me out of chronic pain, but it also gave me deep reprieve from my self-generated […]

5 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

  Earth Day began in the 1960s as a global event dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainability.  I think Earth Day doesn’t have to be all about making a difference ON that day. For years I have been approaching Earth Day differently than I did when I thought that the only […]

What Are Those Things on the Ceiling? The Myriad Benefits of Radiant Heat

The way the hot rooms are heated at Modo Yoga plays a huge part in curating the environment of every class.  You probably know this from the way the room feels.  It’s different.  You may notice that your body and your muscles feel different.  There’s a reason for that feeling and that’s what we’ll explore.

Repetition as a Practice in Presence

  As a yoga teacher that guides a series of postures that involve repetition, I’m often asked: “don’t you get bored?” and “isn’t it repetitive after all of these years?”   Repetition is inherent to our daily lives.  It’s an inaccurate science to provide an exact percentage as to the amount of repetition in our days […]

Harnessing Heart Coherence Through Breathwork Meditation

  “The heart is a repository of human wisdom; it knows without understanding, is convinced without reason, and loves without condition.” — Heart surgeon and author, James Doty   There are many organs whose functions in our bodies are not commonly known.  What does the spleen do anyway?  But we all know that without our […]

Gut health: Where the Microcosm Becomes the Macrocosm of Health

  In the wild and wonderful tapestry of our existence, there exists a complex ecosystem as intricate and diverse as any rainforest: the human gut. This enigmatic world, consisting of trillions of microorganisms—yes, trillions—plays a pivotal role in our overall health and well-being.  Let’s explore the surprising health benefits of a healthy gut. Why my […]