About Modo yoga hamilton

We are two, eco-friendly hot yoga studios in Hamilton, Ontario. We are a community of inspired students, joined together by our love of yoga, commitment to protecting the earth, and drive to bring more peace into the world. We are a place for all. Whether you are an absolute beginner or a more experienced student, we offer classes that are challenging, healthy, and fun!

Come breathe with us!

Yoga builds strength and flexibility. It also makes us more aware of our breath, which ultimately helps to relax and calm the body and mind. People who practice regularly often notice that they are happier, have better focus, and are more able to handle the stresses of everyday life.

Don’t stress, we’ve got you covered!

You’ll need a yoga mat, a mat towel and water for class. We have filtered water available at the studio so BYOB – bring your own bottle! Yoga mats, mat towels, shower towels and water are also available to rent/buy if you don’t have your own. We also recommend bringing a change of clothes for after class – did we mention you’ll sweat a lot?!

Member services

Thank you for all your sweat and for being a part of the Modo Yoga Hamilton community.

Below are some links you may find helpful in maintaining your membership with us.

Should you have any questions, please Contact Modo Yoga Hamilton.

Do you have a suggestion? We’d love to hear them here: Suggestion Box.

Embark on a Transformational Journey

Modo Yoga’s 6 Pillars are the foundation of who we are.

As a community, we take care of ourselves, create inclusive spaces, nurture the Earth, support local groups, keep a beginner’s mind, and seek out peace. With these 6 Pillars as our guide, Modo Yoga hopes to change the world.

Be Healthy

A healthy practice leads to healthy choices for the mind, body, and spirit.

Be Accessible

Yoga is for everyone! All abilities, bodies, and backgrounds are welcome here.

Be Green

The care, respect, and protection of our planet is tied to our own well-being.

Be Community

We’re stronger together, and we reach out and support one another.

Live to Learn

To be anything, we must learn. Stay humble, curious, and passionate.

Be Peace

We cultivate harmony—inside and worldwide.


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