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Hannah Wenzel (she/her)

Hannah was born and raised in Colorado, and spent much of her childhood camping, skiing, and exploring mountains. The Natural world continues to be her greatest love and fascination, and she feels that the practice of yoga is an extension of that.

Hannah first discovered yoga as a stressed out college student in upstate New York. She completed her first training in 2012 in Los Angeles, and began teaching full time the following year. Hannah went on to study and train with various schools of yoga, and eventually participated in a 300 hour training with the Mazé School of Yoga.

For Hannah, yoga is an ongoing conversation with our mysterious, miraculous bodies, and our ever evolving consciousnesses. Yoga helps to bring us back into relationship with ourselves, in all our natural complexity, in order that we may show up more fully in relationship to the world around us.

Hannah’s classes are intelligently sequenced and take into consideration how we move through space, and how the muscles, joints, connective tissue, and the nervous system can work together in order to effectively prepare for success in more challenging asanas and transitions.

Because every body is unique, you can expect plenty of layers and opportunities to “choose your own adventure.” Students are encouraged to claim their agency within the practice, seeking out challenges when appropriate, and resting when needed. As someone who has dealt with chronic health issues since young adulthood, Hannah is conscientious of the different needs and considerations that individuals may bump up against in the practice space. Hannah encourages compassion and curiosity over the “tough love” approach.

When not in the studio or out on trail, Hannah can often be found tending her garden while surrounded by her two cats and two little dogs, or experimenting in the kitchen. Hannah is a part-time commissary director for retreats and outdoor education excursions. She is a novice herbalist with a growing apothecary, and forever a student of different movement styles and healing modalities.