Did you know you can practice Modo Yoga at home?

There’s something truly magical about being in the hot room with a bunch of other (very sweaty) yogis – moving and breathing together, both as individuals and as one community.

But, when that’s just not possible (maybe you don’t have a Modo Yoga studio in your area, you’re travelling, or your schedule simply does not jive with your studio), or when you’d rather not leave the house, you still have the opportunity to enjoy a beautifully guided practice.

For those times you can’t make it into the studio to practice with a live teacher, there’s Modo Yoga on-the-go, a set of three separate audio CDs based on the Modo Yoga practice.

The 60-minute Modo Yoga on-the-go CD is our most popular and is guided by Modo Yoga co-founder, Ted Grand.

Ted has also recorded a shorter 25-minute class for the yogi with limited time to practice.

If you’re looking for a more complete experience, we also offer a 90-minute Modo Yoga on-the-go CD guided by Modo Yoga co-founder Jessica Robertson.

All three Modo Yoga on-the-go CDs are available at our online shop and at most Modo Yoga studio locations.

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