Skye Dumont

Studio Manager and Teacher

Hometown: Victoria B.C

I teach: Modo, Peak Flow, Hatha, Yin, Modo Calm

Yoga teacher trainings completed:

Modo Calm – Modo Yoga – Vancouver – 50 Hrs – 2022

Mindful Yin Yoga TrainingJennifer Raye 30 Hrs – 2018

Moksha Yoga Teacher Training – Modo Yoga – 500 Hrs – Kelowna B.C – 2017

Skill in Action: Advanced Sequencing Intensive- Natalie Rousseau- 50 Hrs- MokSana Yoga Victoria B.C – 2016

Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training- LagoCph School of Yoga- 200 Hrs- Anamaya Resort Costa Rica – 2015

Why I love teaching: I love connecting to a room full of students and being able to guide each class into a beautiful synchronistic movement mediation. There’s no greater reward than sharing my passion for this practice of yoga.

What I love about Modo Yoga: I love how this community is so passionate about providing the best quality of classes, teachers and studios. And I love how Modo is always actively working to bring awareness to environmental protection, human rights and equality.

 If I could give one piece of advice to new students, it would be: That this studio is yours. So please come as often as you can, exactly as you are, while you work through every emotional, physical and energetic blockage and know that through it all, you are coming home.

The greatest influence on my teaching: My practice. Every class I take I am inspired. No matter how many books I’ve read or courses I’ve taken. The greatest influences on my teaching comes from the experiences that I’ve had on my mat.