Zaria Hamer


I teach: Modo

Yoga teacher trainings completed:

Modo Yoga Teacher Training – Modo Yoga – 200 Hrs – Montreal, QC – 2024

Bikram Yoga Teacher Training – Bikram – 300 Hrs – Los Angeles, CA – 2005

Why I love teaching:  To share one of my biggest passions. Yoga is such a gift that can be shared with all. 

What I love about Modo Yoga: I love Modo Yoga for the way it unites my mind, body, and soul. To me, it’s a sacred art form that brings harmony to all aspects of my being.

 If I could give one piece of advice to new students, it would be:  Breathe!!! Do not compare yourself EVER to others in the room. Our bodies are like flowers and we all open up at different times and stages but are all beautiful in our own unique ways.

When I’m not on my mat, you can find me: On a horse. I also love learning new things and having new experiences. Travelling to new countries.