What do you love about teaching?
I def like to mix in a lot of variation within the familiar – it’s so good for our bodies and our brains to have different inputs. Students can expect a mix of physical challenge and mindfulness from my classes. Getting on the mat is always a chance to practice meeting yourself where you’re at, and that can change day to day. And I love flow!
What yoga trainings have you completed?
I’ve done Modo, Modo Flow, and Yin. I nerd out about yoga and functional fitness and have done courses and workshops with the likes of Jenni Rawlings, Kathryn Bruni-Young, and Yoga Detour. I also love the folks at BCIMS and often do their non-residential meditation retreats.
What Modo Pillar do you connect with the most?
Live to Learn. I’m always taking a course of some kind. Just completed a creative writing program! Learning is how I make sense of the world and myself – I just have to make sure I also sit with my learning here and there 🙂
What do you do besides teaching yoga?
I’m an actor and a writer. My background is in theatre but now I’m mostly doing film and TV. I also love to cook and spend time with my partner and our rescue dog, Diego.
What’s your favourite after yoga treat?
On any given day, you will prob see me having an Oat Milk Cortado from Matchstick or a veggie dog and a hazy IPA at Bells and Whistles.