

Lisa’s Modo journey began in Toronto in 2008, when she found yoga as a welcome pause to the then turbulent financial industry. After falling in love with Victoria during her Modo (Moksha) training in 2011, she moved West and has called Victoria home for 6 years before moving to Vancouver to pursue her Ph.D. A lifelong learner, Lisa is inspired my many teachers including Ted Grand / Jessica Robertson (Modo), Bernie Clark (Yin), Rameen Peyrow (Sattva), Clara Roberts-Oss (Vinyasa), and Carolyn-Ann Budgell (Meditation). Lisa values co-creation, community, and communication on and off the mat. She aims to achieve a balance between direct cues and space for exploration in her instruction. Lisa teaches Modo, Modo Flow, Vinyasa, Yang Yin, Yin, and Meditation.