I’ve always loved movement and exercise. I grew up playing sports, mainly gymnastics, volleyball and rugby. When I was in university, weightlifting became my primary focus. Eventually I became a certified personal trainer. I always struggled getting into yoga; I wasn’t able to quiet my mind. My mindset at the time was that lifting weights was the only way to truly workout. I always had teaching group fitness in the back of my mind, but I never had the confidence to actually pursue it.
Fast forward a few years, I just recently moved to Edmonton for school. I still loved weightlifting but my passion for it wasn’t the same. I wanted to give yoga another go, both for my physical and my mental health. Being back in school full time, I wasn’t able to afford a studio membership. Thankfully Modo had an opening in their Energy Exchange program and though that I was able to meet the Modo community. It wasn’t until I started at Modo that I really learned what barre was.
Coming from a weightlifting background, I had my doubts about barre. To say I was humbled is an understatement! I’ve seen such a difference in my body since attending Modo’s barre classes. I can do more push-ups, more chin-ups and hold my handstand for longer! Thoughts about teaching kept creeping back in when I learned Modo was running barre training soon. I knew I had to take the leap and I haven’t looked back since! I’ll forever be grateful for Modo Yoga Sherwood Park and its’ community for coming into my life and pushing me to grow as a person.
I strive for my barre classes to be innovative, challenging and accessible to all. Modo has such incredible members that I’m constantly reaffirmed in my decision to start teaching.
I can’t wait to see you at the barre!