Modo Yoga St. John’s
I, hereby agree to the following:
1. I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved in practicing yoga and yoga-related modalities at Modo Yoga St. John’s, including in a heated climate.
2. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition(s) that would prevent my full participation in group or private yoga classes, workshops and retreats offered by Modo Yoga St. John’s.
3. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to attendance regarding my participation in group and/or private heated yoga classes, workshops, and retreats offered by Modo Yoga St. John’s.
4. I will update Modo Yoga St. John’s as to any changes in my medical condition.
5. I will refrain from attending classes at Modo Yoga St. John’s if I am feeling/experiencing any signs or symptoms of a cold/flu, and will wait to return to practice until my symptoms are gone.
6. I will adhere to all personal hygiene guidelines and any physical distancing guidelines if prescribed by Modo Yoga St. John’s and applicable provincial public health guidelines.
7. In consideration for being permitted to participate in group or private yoga classes, workshops and retreats provided by Modo Yoga St. John’s, I agree to assume full responsibility and, on behalf of myself and, to the extent permitted law, my spouse, heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and other persons or entities acting or purporting to act on my behalf, hereby generally and completely release, acquit, and forever discharge and release Modo Yoga St. John’s, its owners, officers, directors, employees, instructors and representatives (the Modo Yoga St. John’s parties) from any and all liability for any risks, illnesses, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of my participation. In further consideration thereof, I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against the Modo Yoga St. John’s parties for any illnesses, injury or damages that I may sustain as a result of my participation.
8. I will not engage in any inappropriate conduct or conduct which is in violation of this Agreement of Release and Waiver which could result in injury or illness to myself or others.
9. In further consideration of my participation in classes offered by Modo Yoga St. John’s, I hereby release Modo Yoga St. John’s parties from any and all liability related to any loss, theft or damage of any of my personal property from the Modo Yoga St. John’s premises.
10. ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I agree that this Agreement of Release and Waiver shall be governed by the laws of St. John’s and if any conflict arises between me and Modo Yoga St. John’s, I will attempt to resolve the conflict in good faith through mediation before submitting my dispute to binding arbitration.
11. I acknowledge that Modo Yoga St. John’s is an independently owned and operated franchisee of Modo Yoga International, Inc.
12. I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents and voluntarily agree to all of the terms and conditions.