Learn to practice yoga and stay connected with your little one. The class is designed so mom or dad has tools to have fun and also relax with your baby. Integrating yoga postures that are rejuvenating for parents and fun for baby. We learn how meditate and breathe with baby. The parent will practice being present with whatever mood baby is in. Caring for baby can sometimes be intense, these tools will help us parents integrate peacefulness with each moment with our baby.
These classes are offered in sessions.
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10am – 11am
Mom&Baby 8 Week Series (1 day fix): $144+ tax
Mom&Baby 12 class package * (reserve any Baby & me classes during the series): $228+ tax
Once you sign up for the first class of the series and buy the Package of your choice, make sure to go reserve for classes on following weeks to keep your priority of reservation. Cancel at least 3 hours before the class. More details upon purchase.
We recommend you are at least 6-weeks postpartum before starting a Mom & Baby Yoga practice, and that you have the approval of your doctor or midwife.
*The class package is valid for the classes of the ongoing series and expires at the end of the actual series. The 12 class package is available for purchase during the launch period of the series; first 2 weeks.