CLASSES START ON TIME: To respect everyone’s time, we start the classes at the scheduled time. We highly recommend ARRIVE EARLY. Doors are open at least 15 minutes before class. We suggest you arrive at least 10 minutes before class start time. In order to keep everyone’s belongings safe, the front doors may be locked when class begins if there is no additional reception staff on duty. For this reason, late arrivals cannot be accommodated.
RESERVATIONS: For a guaranteed spot in class we recommend booking ahead (Modo Yoga App or web). Walk-in clients will be accommodated as space allows.
CANCELLING RESERVATIONS: Out of respect to others, please cancel any reservation as soon as your plans change (via Modo Yoga App or web). Our late cancellation window begins 30 minutes before class. Cancellations within that window are subject to the same penalties as a “no show”.
NO SHOW/LATE CANCEL PENALTIES: Loss of Class/Credit. We are not currently enforcing a financial penalty for Unlimited Members, but excessive no shows may result in a loss of advance booking privileges.
WAITLIST COURTESY POLICY: We recommend treating your waitlist reservation like a confirmed reservation. Space almost always opens up — often the same day as class. Be prepared to be added into class, or cancel your booking if your plans change. Once you have been added to class your booking is subject to our standard Late Cancel/No Show policy.
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Contact us at for questions related to booking policies.
View full policy in the link below.
Purchase Agreements / Policies / Guidelines