Modo Family Spotlight- Maddy

What are you passionate about outside of yoga?

I am passionate about health, wellness and the amazing ability our bodies have to heal themselves under the proper guidance.  I’m passionate about travel, getting outside your comfort zone and challenging myself to continue to grow and learn. I’m passionate about the oneness that encompasses all beings, that makes our earth a haven for us all to live and co-exist in.

What is your favorite book and why?

Ever since I read Wild, I can’t get that crazy woman’s words out of my head! Cheryl Strayed’s journey to find her purpose is not only inspiring but also unbelievably mirroring of the rut that many of us fall into living our lives. It can be easy to just coast the sails of life and not take a hold of your destiny, but HEY… when you get tired of that and you do take the reigns of your life, it can lead to amazing things you couldn’t have even imagined could be your reality.

What was your ultimate traveling experience and why?

I recently just took a month off of “real life” and spent a month in Costa Rica & Nicaragua! And what an amazing adventure it was! Spending a month dedicated to yoga, surfing, feeling, being and allowing myself to be fully present to all the healing nature around me made me feel so alive!

What do you love about the Modo Series?

What I love about the Modo series is that every single time you come to your mat, even if the postures are the same – there is something COMPLETELY different that either you need, is being offered or that you’re taking away with you. It’s in the daily routines, in our daily lives that we can find the light to illuminate our most destined path.

What posture do you struggle with?

I struggle physically with half locus; in the 60 minute Modo it is usually the one posture to get skipped, but in the 75 minute and 90 minute Modo’s it’s a pretty big staple. It’s a toughie for me because you can’t see your legs lift you can only do you best to feel them… sensation and visualization, key parts of a practice.

What is the one thing you can’t say no to?

Hmmm… Homebrewed Kombucha; if anyone has been to Hawaii, you know exactly what I’m talking about! Its everywhere and its so fresh and delicious and did I mention amazing for your belly and immune system?! UNREAL!

What is your favorite thing about teaching yoga?

My ultimate favourite moments when I’m teaching are made up of all the opportunities to see and hear and experience when cues, analogies, jokes or knowledge lands in someone else’s body. It’s like this visual and energetic AH-HA moment that is beyond priceless to experience as a teacher.

What are your favorite things about home, and also what are your favorite things about Saskatoon?

My favourite thing about HOME, Toronto – is a place called the Evergreen Brickworks; an old quarry that has been repurposed into walking trails, a Saturday market, quaint restaurant, brewery and amazing lookout point of my city. I love going here ALL times of year – but fall is the very best, when the leaves are colourful and the warm sun shines.

My favourite thing about HOME, Saskatoon – is the foodie/coffee scene! Its amazing here… Some great locally run places that have such authentic Saskatoon vibes. A few faves: Leyda’s, The Citizen Café, Thrive, Collective Coffee and the Night Oven, just to name a few.