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Why 30 Days of Yoga?

Most people think, “Why would I do a 30-day challenge?  I’ve got a pretty good thing going and I am in a good groove, so why would I mess with that?”

The reason is, a 30 day challenge is the perfect way to reset your mind, body and practice!  It is a way to shake it up and change your system.

A lot of us are afraid of change, but it is the best thing we can do.  Change is so good for the body, soul and mind.  It is kind of like a forced re-boot.  A start over to re-examine why you practice, what it means to you and what you are hoping to get out of it.

Martha Triangle
A lot of people also struggle with the thought of not participating in case they fail, remember, what would happen, darlin, if you never jumped?  How would you ever fly?

This challenge can mean so much to so many different people.  Maybe you had a busy time and your practice has fallen off, maybe you just know that you need to create an hour just for you every day.  Maybe, you know that you want to challenge yourself with barre, yoga with weights or a flow class more often.  Whatever your reason, someone else feels the same and we are here to encourage you!

This 30-day challenge doesn’t necessarily have to mean that you are going to hit your mat every day for 30 days.  It means that you are going to try, you are going to put yourself first.  Even if that means you can only do 3 or 4 days a week.  Just a little more than you are doing now 🙂

The best part?  COMMUNITY!  We stand and support each other united through the challenge!  We show up for each other and hold each other accountable.  When we see you starting to get tired in week three, we encourage you by giving you exactly what you need!

Perhaps the VERY BEST part is the joint commitment to the environment.  We are coming together, not just as a studio, but as a collection of studios to embark on this amazing challenge to leave the earth a better place than how we found it!  This challenge is an on-and-off the mat challenge meaning that together we work on the pillars that connect us:

  • Be Green
  • Be Health
  • Be community
  • Be accessible
  • Live to Learn
  • Be Peace

This year, the proceeds from this Challenge go to Jungle Keepers, a foundation dedicated to helping to create a conservation area in the vitally important Las Piedras River region of the Peruvian Amazon.

So now, let us ask you, why WOULDN’T you do a 30 Day Challenge?

Sign up here!




10 Ways to Make Lifting Weights More Effective

If you’re more than a few months into your workout routine, you might be ready to take things to the next level. To make sure that you’re continually strengthening and improving with your workouts, we’ve developed a list of 10 ways to make lifting weights more effective in the gym. These are a great way to make your workout routine – well – not so routine anymore.

Skip the traditional machines

Don’t get us wrong, traditional machines serve their purpose – they teach you great form and get your major muscle groups firing. Most of the machines that we carry are functional machines with cables, which allow you to improve your form as they work your small muscles (which are your stabilizers). If you want to step up your game even further, use free weights to find even more freedom in your movement. You can also add resistance bands and the functional trainer to change the movement in your workout.

Combine strength & cardio

Strength and cardio go together like peanut butter and jelly. When you add cardio into your workout, it not only brings your heart rate up and boosts your metabolism, but it also allows your muscles to recover. The next time you lift weights, try adding 20 seconds of jump rope between sets for a heart-pumping workout.

Hold your pose

An isometric hold is when you contract a muscle and hold it in a flexed position. This is great because it gives you good activation and helps to strengthen the muscle. So for example: when doing a row, you’ll want to hold your arm in a flexed position for 1-3 seconds before slowly releasing.

Embrace instability

You don’t need to look like the next Olympic gymnast, but a balancing act can add tremendous benefits to your workout. When you balance during a workout, it stimulates more muscles – especially throughout the core. Rather than doing your workout in a stable position, try adding in a BOSU or stability ball at the gym.

Train one side at a time

Doing unilateral exercises that require each leg or arm to work independently (think: single-arm push-ups or pistol squats) will build strength faster on each side than bilateral exercises that work both sides of your body at once (standard squats or push-ups). It also helps to activate the core, so you’ll get a core workout at the same time as your strength workout. If you tend to favour your dominant side, this is a great way to balance your muscular development and strength across your body.

darren and barbellPlay with tempo

Another great way to challenge yourself with resistance training is by playing with the tempo of the rep. An example of playing with the tempo of a rep is 2s concentric, 1s pause, 2s eccentric, 1s pause and switching to 2s concentric, 1s pause, 4s eccentric, 1s pause.

Build a circuit

Quickly moving from one exercise to another is a great way to create a time-efficient workout. Keep in mind when you’re building your circuit to target different muscle groups back to back. This will help you to avoid exhaustion because it allows your muscles time to recover between sets, and it also provides a great full-body workout.

Get explosive

Quick movement exercises like kettlebell swings or box jumps target fast-twitch muscle fibers which produce more force than slow-twitch muscle fibers. You can do this with free weights as well. What you’ll want to do is use force for one second, then slowly release for two-three seconds.

“Think of it this way: if you ever need to spring into action –  like to push a heavy door open or lift a car off someone – you’re going to do it with force. By getting explosive in your workout, your muscles will be ready to do that.” – Coach Mark.

Aim for failure

brooke and aprilBelieve it or not, failure is a word that we embrace in the gym! It’s when your muscle is so exhausted that you just couldn’t possibly do one more repetition without losing proper form. Training to fail has been shown to increase both strength and size of muscles.

To improve your workout and make it more effective, you can add a little bit of weight (resistance) and decrease the number of repetitions in the set. For example, if your goal is to get to 12 reps and you feel like you could do 18 or 20, then the weight is too light, and you’re ready to add some resistance.

Improve rep ranges

To increase muscle endurance, you’ll want to do higher reps with lower weight. To increase muscle strength, you’ll want to do lower reps with higher weight. The benefit of increasing muscle endurance is that it tones and leans out a muscle, which means you can build muscle strength without increasing the size of the muscle. When you’re ready to move up to a higher weight, you’ll be able to push through it because your muscles will have built up the endurance.


Keep track of what you’re doing

By keeping track of what you’re doing, you’re able to measure your progress and remember which weight and how many reps you did for each exercise. This will also help you to recognize when it’s time to add resistance or move down to a lower weight for a higher number of reps.  Some great apps for tracking your workouts are Gym Hero and StrongLifts. At Momentum we use Evernote, but there are also online log books, or the good old fashioned pen and paper!

About the Author:

Rebecca is the Community and Social Media Lead at Momentum FitnessAs an award-winning public relations professional, Rebecca has been recognized for her clear understanding and application of public relations practices and principles. She has taken her passion for digital marketing, media relations, community engagement, and strategic planning and has applied it to grow small businesses. If you have a community initiative that you would like Momentum to get involved with, please be sure to contact Rebecca at

(Originally published July 25, 2017)

Essential Oils and How to Use Them Safely

By Steve Spriensma, Goodness Me!

Essential oils and a flowerYoga and aromatherapy are like red wine and Netflix – they just go better together (they’re also great alternatives to red wine and Netflix!). Essential oils and their soothing aromas can expand and enrich the yoga experience, but these aren’t simply perfumes. They are extremely concentrated oils that always need to be handled with care and used correctly!

Essential Oil Safety

Many yoga studios use essential oils with diffusers to create a serene environment, but there’s a growing amount of yoga practitioners using them on several pulse points on the body – on the neck, wrists, and behind the ears. Using an essential oil such as lavender oil at these points can relax the body and clear the mind, letting the user get the most out of their yoga session.

Before using essential oils on the skin, it’s important to make sure you know how to use them safely:

  • Make sure you aren’t allergic to the ingredients! You’re probably aware of what your body can and can’t take, but all the same, be certain before using, especially if you aren’t familiar with the source.
  • Don’t put essential oils directly on the skin, and always use a carrier oil. Essential oils can do damage to your skin if not used properly, even if you don’t have an allergy to the oil.

Carrier oils are fatty vegetable oils used to dilute the essential oil so it can be applied to the skin (essentially carrying the oil to the skin). While they dilute the essential oil, carrier oils don’t rob them of their positive properties; they can even enhance the effect of the essential oils, by ensuring they aren’t overused.

  • Look into the different types of carrier oils. Since carrier oils come from seeds and kernels, they don’t have strong concentrated aromas, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have aromas at all. Take this into account before choosing one, because you don’t want to be stuck with a subtle fragrance you can’t stand.

Choose one that won’t react with your allergies. How you dilute depends on how you want to use it; for non-medicinal topical application, you should use a 2% solution, adding 10 to 12 drops per 30 ml (one ounce) of carrier oil. Here are some very popular options:

    • Apricot oil: A great choice for massage oils and homemade moisturizers, it’s got a moderately oily texture and absorbs quickly, with a faint aroma. Good for the skin, too!
    • Avocado oil: Very moisturizing, but it could overpower the aroma of the essential oils.
    • Grapeseed oil: With a light and nutty aroma, grapeseed oil is quite popular.
    • Sweet Almond oil: This carrier oil is very little aroma and is not too expensive. It’s a great all-purpose oil, one of the best for using on the skin.
  • Water is also safe. Dilute your favourite essential oil in hot water for a scented compress after hot yoga, or in filtered water to spray down your sweaty yoga mat.
  • Proper application is important. Use a roller bottle (also known as a roll-on bottle or roll bottle) to apply your diluted oils to the skin.

If you want to learn more about using essential oils for all kinds of things, check out the Goodness Me! blog for more information!

(Originally published May 29, 2017)