Annie Chamberland


Annie believes that if everyone practiced savasana everyday, we could change the world. After flirting with yoga, she fell in love with Modo in May 2008. The heat sparked Annie’s curiosity about yoga and she travelled to India in 2009. Over the five weeks she spent there, Annie found herself constantly wrapped up in moments of grace and divinity. The trip made one thing clear: she wanted to go back in 2010 and do the intensive Modo yoga teacher training in Kerala, India. She turned the training into a six month pilgrimage. She stayed and deepened her practice and knowledge in the various limbs of yoga. In Mysore, Vinay Kumar helped her find the power in her body and breath. She pursued Kumar’s sequence and system and in February 2011 she returned to India for a third time to take an eight-week teacher training in Prana Vashya. She discovered the deeper layers of savasana and it’s powerful importance in our practice. This appreciation of savasana has made her an amazing Yin teacher.